Worthy brothers and sisters, I realize not all of us have subscribed to "Netflix" but I know many of us have searched for new things to watch. Having recently met a couple of friends here who are faithful Jewish believers from NYC, I asked them about this Hassidic Orthodox sect of Jewish believers from Brooklyn that Netflix made a show about. They acknowledged this series as fact-based, and got me curious to see what the "buzz" was about.
I am also still in touch with many of the teens I knew who prepared for Confirmation and came back to help as teacher aides and some were worthy catechists too. We all know well how the church has seen many teens slip away from faith. Were they just "tired of rules" or seeking "to be more free--to do their own thing?"
During the making of the "Catholicism" series, I was blessed to have a fairly engaging conversation with Bishop (then only Fr. Barron) about the need for good Catholic media to help us with catechesis. He laughed when I said he was the next coming of Fulton Sheen. But who else is willing to engage the culture with his talks at Facebook, Google and Apple? If you haven't already subscribed to Bishop Barron on You Tube you may wish to check out his library. On occasion he even posts a movie or media review like this one. No Bishop is more concerned about the loss of our young people than this Bishop Robert Barron. HIs channel is also posting a daily mass from his chapel in Santa Barbara. Vivat Jesus!