Council 5221 Minutes 8/5/2020 Officers Business Meeting
Attendees in conference call : • Chuck Goldsmith, Grand Knight • Trevor Martin, Deputy Grand Knight • Andy Ramirez, Financial Secretary • Wilbur Freeman, Treasurer • Bill Drobick, Advocate • Gerry Goldsmith, Warden
Absent: • Ernie Trujillo, Chancellor • Hunter Buckner, Recorder
Meeting commenced at 6:00pm with opening prayer by Bill Drobick.
Golf Tournament/Auction/Raffle - This meeting was to discuss Grand Knight concerns about fund raising in the first half of the fraternal year. In light of the pandemic it was mutually agreed upon to postpone our Golf Tournament till the spring time. Bill Drobick officers that December 28th might be a good day as a Christmas tournament and also in honor of our Holy Family.
Gerry Goldsmith will research fund raising potential with Top Golf.
Mark Krysiak with Golf Tournament Committee has researched another fund raising activity via a silent web based auction that is managed by a company recommended by Dixon Golf. The web sight for review of potential is Sounds promising as a fundraiser.
Trevor discussed was a potential for a raffle that sells 500-$100 tickets with the prizes being 1-$10000, 3 - $5000, 5 - $1000 prizes for a total payout of $30,000. Net Council income could be if sold out $50,000 - $30,000(prizes) = $20,000. If less that 4000 tickets are sold the raffle then becomes a 50/50 raffle. Chuck will contact Rick Husk to see if any issues legally presents itself.
Also recommended was holding simple 50/50 raffles at regular intervals $1 each ticket or 6 for $5.
Fin Sec Andy was asked to prepare a draft budget for the fraternal year that outlines reoccurring expenditures so that the council can vote 1 time for approval for the year.
Grand Knight Chuck advised Semi Annual Audit was completed and Trustees have all signed and was submitted to Supreme.
Date of the First Meeting for Fraternal Year 9/2? Agreed 9/2 will be first Council Meeting.
Next Business Meeting has been scheduled with Officers on August 19th at 6pm via Webex. Grand Knight will send out info prior to the meeting.
Closing prayer and adjourned meeting at 7:00pm