During the 1928 presidential campaign, a circular published by the Republican Party claimed that if Herbert Hoover won there'd be a "chicken in every pot and a car in every garage."
Well we didn't have any chickens and I don't know that the Knights can do very many cars, but there were over a 100 people with a turkey dinner headed their way.
Courtesy of GK Chuck Goldsmith:
We again partnered with Safeway Anthem for the delivery of much needed Thanksgiving meals to needy families in the area. We delivered over 35 meals serving well over 125 persons who may have otherwise gone hungry this Thanksgiving. This picture shows a few of the men that helped.
We received a great response from you for help and I am so proud of what you do! A Brother who was delivering to a family told me of his experience delivering, “When I got there I recognized that they were living in a trailer that looked only about 18 ft. long. There were 9 family members living in this trailer and it was obvious that they were in great need of this meal so that they had a good Thanksgiving. The children were so beautiful. It made my day delivering to them and I realize as Knights why we do what we do!”