Diocesan March for Life 2024
Sat, Jan 20
Please see full details below!

Time & Location
Jan 20, 2024, 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Tucson, 192 S Stone Ave, Tucson, AZ 85701, USA
About the event
2024 Information:
Information to come!
2023 Information:
Worthy Grand Knight, Deputy Grand Knight and Brother Knights,
Worthy Grand Knight Trujillo has requested an email be sent to all Knights requesting that you RSVP if you intend on participating in the upcoming March for Life, January 21, 2023. As mentioned in the meeting the March will begin at the St.. Augustine Cathedral, ending at the Holy Hope Cemetery, approx 4.2 miles.
If you intend to participate please be sure to wear comfortable foot wear and clothing to complete the walk. Also make sure you hydrate the night before and the morning of to avoid muscle cramping and dehydration. There will be other brother Knights along the route passing out water.
Grand Knight Trujillo will coordinate the transport of participants from Holy Hope Cemetery back to St. Augustine Cathedral returning to your vehicles.
Please sign up on the Florence Knights of Columbus web page or send me an email to RSVP to get started on a list of who will be participating. This event is right around the corner, please sign up ASAP.
Worthy Brothers- Please accept this reminder as a continued invitation to attend and participate in the March for Life on Saturday, January 21, 2023.
Bishop Weisenburger will preside at Mass at 9:00am and then the march will begin and go to Holy Hope Cemetery where it will conclude.
Worthy Brother Nate Gauthier has made a great suggestion for transportation from the cemetery. Several of us can share an Uber to get back to the cathedral and then we can go to the cemetery and pick everyone up to ferry them back to the cathedral. It might take a short while but it appears that it would be the most efficient way to accomplish this.Please make a good effort to turn out of this march.
As Knights who support life from conception to natural death, we need to step forward, outwardly and in great numbers let the world that the abomination of abortion and euthanasia will no longer be tolerated. The overturn of Roe v. Wade was only a beginning- the real work has just begun!I look forward to seeing a large turnout from our council on Saturday!
Vivat Jesus!
GK Deacon Ernie