You are probably all aware but I will still attach the letter from the Bishop. All Church gatherings are cancelled till April 6th. This includes mass, stations of the cross, rosary prayer group and communal confessions. Our meeting scheduled for April 1st is cancelled. I will be scheduling an emergency meeting with officer only today or tomorrow to determine our response to this pandemic. Worthy Brothers, please pray for a quick resolution to this pandemic and for those who have contracted the disease a speedy recovery! Please contact me if you have any questions! Vivat Jesus! GK Chuck

Your Knights in Council 5221 recognize the hardships that exist in this time of the pandemic regarding the coronavirus. It may impact your ability to shop, pick up mail, pick up prescriptions and any other activity that may be impacted by you maintaining social distancing. WE Knights stand by to assist. If you need any help in this area please contact me, Chuck Goldsmith, Grand Knight Council 5221 at May we pray for a quick resolution to this pandemic and that we as a Catholic Family take care of all in need!
Vivat Jesus!