Website Admin

Aug 28, 20202 min

What's the #1 CHARISM of Council Survey Participants?

Before I do the "reveal"--some of our brothers (and sisters were invited, too) may not know what I'm even talking about. Do you know what a charism is? My mailings were in some cases returned to me unopened. Although all of our membership was sent materials, some of the addresses we have on file rejected the mailings.

Action One: if you do not have a mail receptacle at home, please let us know.

I will post an explanation of charisms, and how they are different from "gifts" in a separate article. For now, let me just say thank you to the 30 survey participants who sent in their answer sheet and hopefully felt a spiritual lift from seeing the many patron saints who share your call to help others. It was an honor and a privilege to send out the materials. I will bring some of the leftovers for distribution when we finally meet again in person.

Our Council is a "GIVING" Council. That was the #1 resulting charism out of the surveys turned in. Considering the fact the survey was tracking 24 possible charisms, the sample in my mind was pretty solid. Following "Giving": "Faith," "Administration," "Service," and "Leadership."

Action Two: if you would still like to find out more about your charisms, go ahead and take the survey. I'm happy to provide you with the materials to reflect on your results. I know it means giving up about a half hour to answer the questions, but why not give it try?

Does this really work? Consider how generous our Council was in response to Grand Knight Chuck Goldsmith's request for approval to help the neighborhood food banks. I would say "Giving" pretty well defines our fellowship.
